Friday, April 17, 2009


We had an excellent day today. It is now 7:30pm, and we are back at the hotel after a feast, which featured Peking Duck. Our morning started with a very filling breakfast--everyone is eating more than we need--and then we headed to the "Number One Middle School" in Beijing (apparently they are not very modest given the name). We learned a Chinese craft of string art. I think Troy was the worst at the arts and crafts, and he had no problem admitting that it was not his forte! We then went to an English class where we listened to their lesson and then we joined a group of students and spoke with the children about American culture. They thought Americans did not get any homework and that we get paid big money for doing chores . . . we set them straight that not all of us have this experience. They were very intrigued by our culture; some even asked us about the effect of the economic crisis on our lives. We ate lunch in their cafeteria. Again, more food than any of us could eat.

The US Embassy was our next stop. Here we listened to and spoke with US diplomats about their positions with the Embassy. They had very interesting stories about their work with international students, granting Chinese visas and working with the US and Chinese press. They shared with us stories of being an American living in China. One thing they said is difficult is being considered "exotic." People are very intrigued by Americans; we have had our pictures taken many times.

Next it was to the Newbury Street of Beijing and then "snack street." I ate--we all ate--a scorpion. Actually Martha didn't. Everyone else was brave...or maybe stupid. It tasted like a potato chip...but I wouldn't say you "just can't have one." One was enough. After this appetizer, we were off to our dinner, which I already told you about. I have a bunch of pictures I am attaching.

Everyone is happy and really having an amazing trip. They all have big smiles on their faces and are taking in every moment. In fact, I think it is interesting to see them without cell phones. Everyone is much more present to the people they are with, rather than texting someone else. It is refreshing. I am going to have a student also blog each day to give their perspective. Emma will be the first, so look for blog in a couple of hours.

I hope this is working out so you can share in some of our experiences. And Flat Will did make a couple of appearances today...I will try to get some of his pictures uploaded as well. Here is the link for our pictures

Signing off until tomorrow,