Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Student reflections from Monday 4/20

My first days in China were great. i really liked going to the school and seeing kids my age and how they act and play just like i do. i also like how China's culture is so vibrant and how they take pride in how they are. I did not really like being in the big city just because I don't really like big cities. One thing that does get me mad is how bad the pollution is here. There are just blankets of smog all over the beautiful buildings. i do really like the food. I cant wait to see what it is like here, in XiAn.
Troy Jones

Yesterday was really fun. We went to the Temple of Heaven , and learned some Tai Chi. But the favorite part of my day was the Great Wall. It was a very tedious climb all the way up. The view from the top was very constricted by the smog. The smog is very annoying, and it is everywhere. It made the trip down the Great wall seem endless, because you could never really see the bottom. I am having lots of fun here in China, and I can't wait to see Shanghai.
--Ben Webb

The Great Wall was really awesome. It was even cooler in person than I expected. Climbing all the way up was tiring, but very worth it. You couldn't see too much because of the smog, but it was still an amazing feeling to be on top of that mountain. The steps were very worn, and you really got a sense of the history from that. The silk market was also really fun. The bargaining was entertaining and rewarding once you got it down to a satisfactory price. It was all knockoffs, but a fun experience. The culture of China is also really amazing, and you could really see it at the temple of heaven, with all the people dancing, playing instruments, and doing Tai Chi. Yesterday was really amazing.
-Mike McGlathery