Saturday, April 18, 2009

Day three continued

I am signing out for the evening. We just completed room checks and everyone safe and exhausted, except Charlie McRae who is safe, but has a lot of energy. Martha and Emma were in the room journaling...I am very impressed. Nick C. and Peter blogged tonight. Nick D. is watching a movie, Mike, Ben and Troy all turned in early. Troy ate more exotic food today--the head of a fish. You can see the picture of him kissing it before he ate it. Nick D. and Peter are buying cheap communist party hats from vendors who accost us. I am going to run interference tomorrow between them and the vendors. All are happy and learning and growing. They are all being very mature and responsible. I am proud of this Reading group. Below is the link for pictures. Flat Will made a couple appearances.
Signing off,
John White